This world of dating after divorce or being widowed reminds me of trains. The Shanghai Maglev is the fastest train in the world and many in this newly single status are like the Maglev and cannot slow down their dating long enough to enjoy the ride. They speed through relationships and often fall in and out of love with the same velocity. Too often the Maglev's of the world remarry quickly only to find themselves in similar marriages or even worse, divorced again. On the other hand, The Glacier Express is the slowest train in the world and believe me, there are those in this single world who move at just that pace. Many of the men and women I have been meeting have been single for a very long time, some as long as 18 years. They spend a lot of time observing the scenery, too afraid they may miss something better just around the bend. How do we pace ourselves and become more like the reliable Amtrak? We have the ability to travel fast or slow, but we need to choose to keep a steady pace. Are we choosy as to who gets a ticket to ride, picking those we could imagine a long relationship with? We can't be too choosy though, knowing that there are often hidden treasures along our route. Sometimes what we may see as potential is replaced by disappointment after only a short ride. Yet, we chug along, making stops when necessary and letting passengers board once in a while. Many of us have the same goal: to get off the train! We want to find a destination and a fellow passenger to build a life with. This is possible but we have to beware to not jump the track because as they say: "you won't get your money back." Enjoy the journey.
AuthorNow into my 50's I have things to share, insights to give, and advice that might help you avoid the pitfalls I have already found. Some posts are articles that have been helpful to me and others are my own thoughts and feelings on a particular topic. May your life be full of happiness! Archives
August 2015